

  • 学会这几句英语,英语结账不是事儿

  •  随着人们生活品质的提升以及消费观念的转变,如今,越来越多的国人都会选择以旅行的方式来度过节假日。人们更希望走到远一些的地方,看看不同的**,感受不同的生活与文华。特别是出境游,据调查报告显示,我国出境游人数逐年增多,2018年更是高达1.3亿,中国出境游客人均消费排名**第一。    说到消费,就进入了我们今天这篇文章的正题。出国旅行,无论是在外就餐还是游玩购物,都避免不了结账这个重要环节,不要求你英语说的有多么高级和完美,只要会几句**基本的常用语,就完全可以解决沟通的问题。    以下,小编就整理、汇总一些常用且简单的结账用语,保证你可以沟通无障碍,顺利付款。    就餐结束想结账,你可以这样说:    1.Bing me the bill, please.    2.Can I have the bill, please?    3.Can I have my bill, please?    4.Could we have the check, please?    5.we'd like to check the bill, please.    6.Give me the bill, please.    7.I'd like to settle my bill, please.    8.I'd like to pay the bill, please.    9.can you bring me my check, please?    10.I want to settle my account.    询问是否能使用信用卡付款,可以这样表达:    1.Do you accept credit cards?    2.Do you accept the visa/master?    3.Do you take credit cards?    4.What about visa credit cards?    5.What about master credit cards?    6.Can I pay the bill with my credit card?    7.I'd like pay for it by credit card.    如果想要询问是否有优惠和折扣,就这么说:    1.Shall I have discount?    2.Can I use this voucher to pay for my meal?    3.Any discount?    4.What's the discount?    询问在哪里付款:    1.Where is the cash desk?    2.Where do I pay?    3.Is this where I can pay my bill?    4.Where is the cashier?    购物时,询问商品价格:    1.How much do you sell it?    2.What's the price?    3.How much for five?    好啦,就是这么简单的几句,出行急来不及系统学习的朋友们都可以来试一试,应个急还是很管用的!
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  • 状态:普通会员
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  • IP属地:黑龙江
  • 联系方式
  • 联系人:侯经理
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  • 地址:黑龙江牡丹江市东安区东小三条路与东四条路之间北小爱民街